"Stills" acrylic and phosphorescent paint on canvas

"Oddities" acrylic and phosphorescent paint on canvas

"Sunrises" acrylic and phosphorescent paint on canvas

"Tomorrows" acrylic and phosphorescent paint on canvas

A special guest at the exhibit opening. Photo by Liza Flores

Digital and print invitation


A promotional teaser video for my solo exhibition. Filmed with Canon 70D and edited with iMovie. 

The concept was to create an interactive exhibit through lighting effects.


A promotional teaser video for my solo exhibition. Filmed with Canon 70D and edited with iMovie. 

Improvised lighting was used to highlight UV effects of the paintings.


A promotional teaser video for my solo exhibition. Filmed with Canon 70D and edited with iMovie. 

The exhibit was created with hand-drawn mural and recycled plastics that mimic under-the-sea environment.

The exhibit was made possible through Center for Art, New Ventures and Sustainable Development (CANVAS), ECOFISH, and USAID
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